
With UK speeding fines and variable speeding limits on the increase nationwide, make sure you get a clear view of the road ahead and never miss a speed camera again with our new super-bright, sunlight readable LCD screen. Never wonder what the speed limit is again! Make sure you’re ready for the Smart Motorway revolution with our Road Angel Pure.
Our speed camera and radar detectors give live updates and information based on GPS location, with built-in laser gun protection to guarantee the identification of the speed limit on even the most remote road. The Road Angel PURE even includes App connectivity to iOS and Android smartphones. Learn more about our speed awareness products now.
Don’t be caught out. The best drivers see the road ahead and drive to suit the conditions. The Road Angel Pure advanced speed camera detector keeps you up to date, safer and will also help to avoid those hefty speeding fines.
Features Display
- 2.4″ clear sunlight readable TFT screen
- 240 x 320 pixel resolution
- High-Brightness white LED backlight
- Wide viewing angle
- Auto-dimming based on ambient light
- Gorilla Glass (scratch resistant, antiglare)
- New UI with higher resolution graphics
- Wide temperature (-20c to +70c)
- Touch sensitive buttons and improved usability
- Built in WiFi for updates of firmware and all Databases via smartphone
- Configurable by Smartphone – iOS and Android
- Configurable by PC or Mac
- New GPS antenna for improved Performance (now works on cars with heated windscreens)
- Wireless charging via the Smart Mount
- Longer battery life
- Built in cooling
Detection & Warnings
- Live camera information
- Camera Share
- Real time average speed for average speed cameras
- Personalised overspeed alerts
- Journey tracking
- Snap to road alert technology to reduce false alarms
- Red Light Camera
- Fixed Safety Cameras
- Mobile Safety Cameras
- Motorway Safety Cameras
- Blackspot areas
- School zones
- Congestion charge zones
- In-built Laser gun detection
- UK wide safety camera locations
- Road speed limits
- 100% legal
- Road and Vehicle Categorisation
- Choice of Voice Alerts
- Choice of Sound Alerts
- New Dynamic Sound for a new High-Quality Sound
- Intelligent Mute
- Spoken Speed Limits to Reduce Distraction
- Features are subject to a subscription, please visit for more information on the packages available